Pre-built connectors
Large catalog of connectors for your data warehouses and other data sources.
No database in place
We offer open-source relational databases like PostgresSQL and comercial datawarehouses like Snowflake.
Custom connectors
You want to communicate with services that aren’t available as prebuilt connectors, we make it happen.
Centralize all your data
Connect to a compatible database
Our catalog of ELT connectors scurely extracts data from all your tools, and reliably loads it to your data warehouse, data lake, or database.
Greenfield data warehouse implementation
Building a Data and Analytics Platform from scratch is always difficult. But it is also exciting and rewarding. We will help you get off the ground with PostgresSQL or Snowflake.
Integrate Custom connectors from scratch
We will help you streamline your critical workflows and save you valuable time.
Get up and running
Your business deserves fantastic analytics.